2020年1月5日 星期日

Macau Motorcycle GP 50th Anniversary Special Edition (Part 1) 1967-1992

Part 1 1967-1992
澳門的賽車跑道,名為「東望洋環山跑道」(Guia Circuit),是全世界僅有的數條由馬路改變而成跑道之一,其中一段友誼馬路直路,為各國跑道中最長的一段,也是世界罕有街道組成之跑道。
1954年10月首次舉行,當時澳門格蘭披治大賽車只是本地賽車發燒友自行組織的俱樂部賽事。時至今日,這項大賽已發展到被人們公認為世界上最佳的街道賽 事。從1975年開始便由澳門市政廳主辦的,到了90年代由澳門旅遊同負責。從前賽事主辦者由 澳門政府或葡國賽車會(ACP)創辦。1967年澳門格蘭披治電單車大賽首次舉行..........

戰後到了60年代,日本電單車工業起飛,正挑戰電單車王國地位,當時四大車廠都非常熱衷參加國際大賽,其中三大車廠Kawasaki, Yamaha, Suzuki致力開發2衝引擎,Honda則鍾情於4衝,他們還在賽場上有優異成績,尤以Yamaha在50、125、250都很出色。當時的東望洋跑道便給他們一次很好機會來顯示出未來王者的駕臨.........
歷屆澳門電單車大賽中,最新王者是8屆冠軍的英國車手路達(M. Rutter),其次是6屆冠軍的英國的夏士林(Ron Haslam),4屆冠軍的伊斯頓(Stuart Easton),三屆冠軍淺見貞男(S.Asami)、希斯立(Steve Hislop)、赫爾文 (Peter HIickman),兩屆冠軍格蘭(Mike Grant)、長谷川弘(H.Hasegawa)及柏烈特(S. Platter)。

The Macau Guia Circuit which means Eastern Coast Hill Climbing Circuit, First run in October, 1954 as a club race for local motoring enthusiasts,  has evolved into what many believe is the finest street circuit race meeting in the world.

After WWII, In the early 60s, Japan Motor Cycle Industry was booming, they were challenging the Kingdom of  Motor Cycle,  four major Motor Cycle manufacturers were entusiastic in motor racing,  Kawasaki,  Yamaha,  Suzuki - three of them developed the 2 stroke machine and the last one Honda was on 4 stroke, yet they were all highly sussessful in the racing ground, especially Yamaha, which was strong at 50, 125, 250 at that time. That was the right time, an opportunity for the Japanese bike to show their future domination, the Guia circuit.
In 50 years time,Briton Michael Rutter had finally beaten Ron Haslam all time record to become the new King,  he had 8 victory in his pocket, while Ron Haslam got 6, next was 4 times winner Stuart Easton, 3 times winner included Sadeo Asami, Steve Hislop, Peter HIickman, 2 wins were Hiroshi Hasegawa,  Mike Grant,  Steve Platter.

澳門格蘭披治電單車大賽在東望洋跑道首度上演,比賽共30圈。60年代30圈算是sprint race,因為大賽的最低消費是60圈! 日本A級車手長谷川弘(H. Hasegawa)策騎Yamaha水冷二衝250cc(RD05)戰車以1小時53分34秒的時間完成30圈賽事奪得冠軍,亞軍蕭文滔(Honda CB 77) 、季軍黃順妙 (Suzuki Aido)。

The first running of the Macau Motor Cycle Grand Prix - the Guia circuit , which started as 30 laps race. In the 60's era, 30 laps regarded as the sprint race, in fact the Grand Prix started as least 60 laps for standard. Japan's A classs rider Hiroshi Hasegawa took the chequered flag when his 2 stroke water-cooled Yamaha RD05 completed 30 laps of the Guia circuit in a time of 1:53:34.00, second was HK rider Siu Man To (Honda CB77) and third was Indonesian rider Thio Soen Biaw (Suzuki Aido).

 1 Hiroshi Hasegawa       JPN    Yamaha RD05
 2 Siu Man To                 HKG    Honda CB77
 3 Thio Soen Biaw         IDN      Suzuki Aido 



第2屆電單車格蘭披治大賽日本車手長谷川弘(Yamaha RD56)連續兩年勇奪冠軍,亞軍香港選手麥當奴 (Yamaha TD 1C)、季軍香港選手蕭文滔 (Yoshimura Honda)。

Japanese bike ace Hiroshi Hasegawa won The 2nd Macau Motor Cycle Grand Prix for the second successive year, second was John MacDonald (Yamaha TD1C), Siu Man To (Yoshimura Honda) came third, both from HK.

1 Hiroshi Hasegawa    JPN    Yamaha RD56
2  John MacDonald     HKG    Yamaha TD1C
3  Siu Man To              HKG    Yoshimura Honda



第3屆電單車格蘭披治大賽麥當奴,成為首位亦是唯一一位能兼贏得澳門格蘭披治大賽車(1965)及電單車格蘭披治的車手。麥當奴的Yamaha TD1C戰馬以1小時45分31.5秒的時間完成30圈的賽事,亞軍香港選手何瀚德(Yamaha TR2)、季軍澳門選手林育全(Yamaha)。

The 3rd Macau Motor Cycle Grand PrixJohn MacDonald became the first - and only - man ever to have won both the Macau Grand Prix(1965) and the Macau Motor Cycle Grand Prix. Riding a Yamaha TD1C, MacDonald's winning time over 30 laps of the circuit was 1:45:31.50.John MacDonald, second was HK Jason Ho(Yamaha TR2) , Macau Lam Iok Chun (Yamaha TR2) came third.

1 John MacDonald     HKG    Yamaha TD1C
Jason Ho                HKG    Yamaha TR2
Lam Iok Chun        MAC    Yamaha TR2

第4屆澳門電單車大賽,日將安良岡健(Ken Aroka)駕駛的川崎戰車奪標,後因被指推車被取消冠軍資格。最後印尼車手希大澤 (Benny Hidajat) 則以其Yamaha YSI 取得第4屆電單車格蘭披治的冠軍、亞軍澳門選手周樹坤(Suzuki)、季軍印尼選手哈里真 (Yamaha TR2)。
The 4th Macau Motor Cycle Grand Prix that took the chequered flag was Japanese rider Ken Aroka, unfortunately he was disqualified of being pushed bike, Eventually Indonesia's Benny Hidajat, riding a Yamaha YS1, took the honor. Macau rider Chan Su Kuan (Suzuki) took second place, while another Indonesian rider Tjetjep Herijana (Yamaha TR2) came third.
1 Benny Hidayat        IDN    Yamaha YSI
Chan Su Kua         MAC   Suzuki
Tjetjep Herijana    IDN   Yamaha YSI


第5屆電單車格蘭披治大賽有54位高手參與賽事,兩名日本Yamaha廠車手本橋明泰(O.Motohashi)及三室惠倚(S.Minuro) 脫穎而出,包辦了第5屆電單車格蘭披治的冠亞軍,季軍是香港選手C. F.  James (Honda CB750)。

In the 5th Motor Cycle Grand Prix there were 54 entries, it showed the popularity of motorcycle racing here. Japanese Yamaha works riders Akiyasu Motohashi and S. Minuro swept to take top honours, both on factory Yamaha, third was HK rider C.F. James (Honda CB750).

1 A. Motohashi         JPN    Yamaha TR3
2 S. Minuro              JPN    Yamaha TR3
C. F. James          HKG   Honda CB750



第6屆電單車格蘭披治大賽驚見Yamaha日本兩位未來之星車手高井紀次郎(Ikujiro Takai)、小田豐(Yutaka Oda)來澳,他們的表現令全場觀眾神服,可惜他們都先後魂斷賽場上。
 比賽是高井紀次郎和小田豐之爭,隊友輝井璋無法對他們構成威脅。比賽結果高井紀次郎險勝小田豐,輝井璋(Akira Teuri)獲得季軍,日本車手包辦頭三名。

The 6th Macau Motor Cycle Grand Prix, Japanese Yamaha riders took the top three spots on the Motor Cycle GP rostrum with victory going to Ikujiro Takai, second place to Yutaka Oda,  and third Akira Teuri, all with Yamaha TR3.

1 Ikujiro Takai         JPN    Yamaha TR3
2 Yutaka Oda          JPN    Yamaha TR3
3 Akira Terui          JPN   Yamaha TR3




第7屆電單車格蘭披治超過一百名車手報名參加,是次河崎裕之(Hiroyuki Suzuki)為Yamaha負起重任,挑戰是來自Suzuki日本車手安良岡健(Ken Aroka),比賽中安良岡健一直領放,守在二位的河崎裕之在中途壞車退出,安良岡健終嘗奪標滋味。他亦以2分56.68秒締出了新的大會最快圈速紀錄,成為首位能夠在東望洋賽道上在3分鐘之內完成一個圈的電單車手。輝井璋(Akira Teuri)獲得季軍,莊利光(Toshimitsu So) 得季軍。為了滿足眾多的參賽者,賽會特別為未能乎合資格參加格蘭披治電單車大賽的車手,舉辦了 一項「大會盃」賽事。引伸未來加設的初級組和高級組賽事。

More than 100 entries were received for the 7th Motor Cycle Grand Prix, Japan's Hiroyuki Suzuki represented Team Yamaha to defend the title, but he had to face the strong challenge from Team Suzuki's Ken Araoka, the race was dominated by Ken, while second place man Hiroyuki was forced to retire when his machine broke down, eventallyJapan's  Ken Araoka on a  Suzuki TR 500 won at last, he also set a new lap record of 2:56.68, the first rider to lap the Guia Circuit in under three minutes, Akira Terui & Toshimitsu So came second and third, both riding  Suzuki GT 380. 

To accommodate the huge number of entries, the Macau Grand Prix introduced a six-lap "Organiser's Trophy Race" for non-qualifiers in the Motor Cycle GP.As years went by, Motor Cycle race introcuced the Novice & the Senior race.

Ken Araoka        JPN    Suzuki TR 500
Akira Terui         JPN    Suzuki TR 500
3 Toshimitsu So    JPN    Suzuki TR 500



第8屆電單車格蘭披治大賽3名Yamaha日本車手淺見貞男(Sadeo Asami)、高井紀次郎(Ikujiro Takai)及河崎裕之(Hiroyuki Suzuki)報名參加,因為沒有了Suzuki車隊的參加,賽事成為他們的表演賽,最後河崎裕以750的速度力壓隊友,高井紀次郎獲得亞軍、淺見貞男得季軍。

3 Japanese Yamaha ace rider Sadeo Asami, Ikujiro Takai &Hiroyuki Kawasaki entered the 8th Motor Cycle GP, without the Suzuki team participation, it all went to the Yamaha team show, In the powerful 750 machine,  Hiroyuki Suzuki went to victory by just seconds away,  Ikujiro Takai and Sadeo Asami took second and third place respectively.

Hiroyuki Kawasaki       JPN    Yamaha TZ750
Ikujiro Takai                 JPN    Yamaha TZ350
Sadeo Asami               JPN    Yamaha TZ350


第9屆電單車格蘭披治大賽進行是縮短的25圈賽事,闊別一年Suzuki的安良岡健(Ken Araoka)再度角逐冠軍,衛冕的Yamaha請來世界十傑之WGP500日本車手金谷秀夫(Hideo Kanaya)參加比賽,他的兵器是廠車YZR500,奪標呼聲高。
事實上兩人在比賽中爭持激烈,金谷秀夫一直有數秒優勢在手,最後擊敗對手奪標,另一新秀淺見貞男(Sadeo Asami)得季軍,日本車手再度包辦前三名。

The 9th Macau Motor Cycle Grand Prix, starting to shorten to 25-lap race, after ne year break team Suzuki's Ken Araoka came to challenge the throne, team Yamaha entered the  world top 10 ranking WGP rider Hideo Kanaya to defend the title, Hideo had the works YZR500 in hand, expect to take the title easily. In fact as the race started,  Hideo Kanaya was leading the race, although Ken Araoka chasing hard from behind,  the race was under control by Hideo and won, Yamaha new boy Sadeo Asami came third. For the third year running, the top three places all went to Japanese riders.

Hideo Kanaya     JPN    YamahaTR 500
2 Ken Araoka        JPN    Suzuki TR 500
3 Sadeo Asami     JPN    Yamaha TZ350




第10屆電單車格蘭披治大賽,金谷秀夫(Hideo Kanaya)進行衛冕戰,Yamaha的英國WGP350車手摩迪瑪(Chas Mortimer)是他最大威脅,但論技術和兵器,金谷秀夫是有絕對優勢。


The 10th Macau Motor Cycle Grand Prix, British bike ace Chas Mortimer (Yamaha TZ750) finally broke the Japanese strangle hold on the Motor Cycle Grand Prix with his victory in 1976. Japan's Akira Terui (Yamaha TZ350)  took second place, Malaysian Sonny Soh (Yamaha TZ750) came third.

Chas Mortimer     GBR    YamahaTZ 750
2 Akira Terui           JPN     Yamaha TZ350
Sonny Soh            MAL   Yamaha TZ750 


第11屆電單車格蘭披治大賽高手臨立,除了有Kawaski車隊廠手、英國名將格蘭(Mike Grant)欲染指冠軍外,Suzuki亦來了另一英國名將活特(Stan Wood),Yamaha的重任則落在日將淺見貞男(Sadeo Asami)和衛冕的摩迪瑪(Chas Mortimer)身上。

The 11th Macau Motor Cycle GP, Kawasaki UK rider Mick Grant smashed the  lap record when he rode the 3.8 miles of the Guia Circuit in 2:48.38 on his way to victory.

1 Mick Grant     GBR    Kawasaki KR750
2 Stan Woods    GBR    Suzuki RG500
3 Akira Terui     JPN     Yamaha TZ350


澳門格蘭披治大賽車踏入25周年,為慶祝盛項,兩位澳門賽車巨人夏巴(Bob Harper)在得到葉德利協助下組織舉辦了一項「名人賽」,包括三屆F-1世界冠軍史釗活(Jackie Steward)參加。

In 1978, the Macao Grand Prix celebrated its 25th anniversary in grand style. Bob Harper, ably assisted by Teddy, went about organising a "Race of Giants". The 12th Macau Motor Cycle Grand Prix, Japanese rider Sadeo Asami won his first of many motorcycle GP in Macau.

1 Sadeo Asami     JPN    Yamaha TZ 750
2 Steve Parrish    GBR   Yamaha TZ750
3 Mike Trimby    GBR   Yamaha TZ750 


以Yamaha YZR500為戰馬的淺見貞男在兩個回合都能清脆利落地勝出,隨後有柏利殊在總成績排名第2,梅利(Bernard Murray)獲得第3。

For the first time, The 13th Macau Motor Cycle Grand Prix was run in two legs of 15 laps each; Sadeo Asami, riding a Yamaha YZR500, was the clear winner of both legs while Steve Parrish was second on points, and Bernard Murray, third.

1 Sadeo Asami         JPN    Yamaha YZR500
2 Steve Parrish        GBR   Suzuki RGB500
3 Bernard Murray    GBR   Yamaha TZ750



Sadeo Asami was making history as well when his win in the 14th Motor Cycle Grand Prix made him the only competitor to win the same event three consecutive years. British bike aces Steve Parrish and Bernard Murray repeated their second and third place finishes of the year before.

1 Sadeo Asami         JPN    Yamaha YZR500
2 Steve Parrish        GBR   Suzuki RGB500
3 Bernard Murray    GBR   Yamaha TZ750 



第15屆電單車格蘭披治大賽,出現了一位超級新星,有「火箭」之稱的夏士林(Ron Haslam),他代表江湖復出的電單車巨人Honda而戰,80 Honda進軍WGP還未考慮2衝,戰車是從耐力冠軍車演變而成的4衝1100-RS 1123,當大家都懷疑4衝能否得勝時,年青的夏士林就創造奇跡,他淺見貞男以一金一銀,時間1小時22分57.75秒榮登是次賽事的冠軍寶座,淺見貞男得亞軍,荷蘭車手溫杜文(Boet Van Dulman)(Yamaha TZ 750)。

In the 15th Macau Motor Cycle Grand Prix, a new star was on the horizon in the form of "Rocket" Ron Haslam, who was the rising star in the coming back of Motor Cycle Giant - Honda, in the early 80s, Honda entered the WGP with no intension to develop 2 stroke format, his RS 1123 machine was the modification from the winning 4 stroke 1100cc Endurance bike, when all doubted the chance of defeating 2 stroke, young Ron Haslam shocked everyone to take victory, with equal one first one third place with Sadeo Asami, in the 2x15 lap race cloocked 1:22:57.75 defeated Sadeo Asami (Yamaha TZ 750), Dutchman Boet Van Dulmen (Yamaha TZ 750) in third.

1 Ron Haslam             GBR  Honda RS1123
2 Sadeo Asami            JPN    Yamaha YZR500
3 Boet Von Dulmen    NLD   Yamaha TZ750 


第16屆電單車格蘭披治大賽儘管這屆賽事在風雨之下進行,但東望洋賽道上的新一代風云人物夏士林(Ron Haslam),依然能以排頭位資格出賽,兼連續兩年奪得電單車格蘭披治的冠軍。威廉士(Charlie Williams)以2分35.76秒的時間創下了新的大會最快圈速紀錄--是一個維持了十年才被打破的紀錄。

The 16th Macau Motor Cycle Grand Prix, Despite the wet and windy conditions the Guia circuit's newest sensation, Ron Haslam, took pole position - and won the Motor Cycle GP - for the second consecutive year. Charlie Williams clocked in a lap time of 2:35.76, setting a new record - one which stood for a decade.

1 Ron Haslam             GBR    Honda RS1123
2 Mick Grant              GBR    Suzuki GSR1000
3 Joey Dunlop             IRL     Honda RS1123 


第17屆電單車格蘭披治大賽夏士林以其本田500三度摘得電單車格蘭披治桂冠,平了淺見貞男連續三年贏得這項賽事得紀錄, 鄧立普(Joey Dunlop)獲得亞軍,馬素( Roger Marshall)獲得季軍,令Honda包辦了前三名。

The 17th Macau Motor Cycle Grand Prix, Ron Haslam's victory on his Honda RS500 in the Motor Cycle GP saw him equal Sadeo Asami's record of three consecutive wins, Joey Dunlop took second and Roger Marshall took third that made Honda won the first three places.


1 Ron Haslam             GBR  Honda RS500
2 Joey Dunlop             IRL   Honda RS500
3 Roger Marshall        GBR  Honda RS500 


第18屆電單車格蘭披治大賽沒有夏士林在電單車格蘭披治賽中出現,車手們都各出奇謀務求在賽事中取得一席,令賽事更為緊湊。最后,賽事由以一部鈴木500參戰的格蘭(Mike Grant)奪得總冠軍。以本田500的作賽的馬素(Roger Marshall)獲得亞軍,季軍得主則是鈴木車手沙利(Mark Salle)。

The 18th Macau Motor Cycle Grand Prix when Ron Haslam's non-appearance in the Motor Cycle GP left the field wide open, with Mick Grant taking overall victory on his Suzuki RGB500, followed by Roger Marshall on a Honda RS500 and Mark Salle on a second Suzuki.

1 Mick Grant              GBR  Suzuki RGB500
2 Roger Marshall       GBR  Honda RS500
Mark Salle              GBR  Suzuki RGB500 



第19屆電單車格蘭披治大賽夏士林(Ron Haslam)今年重返東望洋賽道,再次登上電單車格蘭披治的王者寶座。來自比利時的格蘭披治明星車手雷迪基斯(Didier de Radigues)獲得亞軍,有「芬蘭飛人」之稱的希華倫(Eero Hyvarinen)則獲得季軍。

The 19th Macau Motor Cycle Grand Prix, After a year off Ron Haslam was back on the Guia circuit - and victorious once more in the Motor Cycle GP. Belgian Grand Prix star Didier de Radigues was second and Eero Hyvarinen, the "Flying Finn" was third.

1 Ron Haslam              GBR  Honda RS500
2 Didier de Radigues  BEL   Honda RS500
3 Eero Hyvarinen        FIN   Honda RS500  

第20屆電單車格蘭披治大賽,三甲位置由三位本田車手包辦,夏士林史無前例地第五次奪得冠軍殊榮,雷迪基斯取得亞軍,季軍則由美國車手蘭菲爾(Randy Renfrow)所取。

The 20th Macau Motor Cycle Grand Prix, Ron Haslam won an unprecedented fifth Motor Cycle Grand Prix, with second going to Didier de Radigues and third to American Randy Renfrow, making it an all-Honda top three.

1 Ron Haslam              GBR  Elf/Honda 500
2 Didier de Radigues   BEL   Chevalier/Honda 500
3 Randy Renfrow        USA   Honda RS500   





The 21st Macau Motor Cycle Grand Prix, Typhoon Nina lashed the China coastal area but winds subsided enough to run a 10-lap Motor Cycle Grand Prix which saw Ron Haslam become the Grand Prix's most successful rider with six chequered flags to his credit.

1 Ron Haslam               GBR  Elf/Honda 500
2 Peter Rubatto             DEU   Bimota YB4/Yamaha
3 Hiroyuki Kawasaki     JPN   Yamaha YZR500 


第22屆電單車格蘭披治大賽美國名將史雲斯(Kevin Schwantz)的妙技令觀眾嘆為觀止,以90英里的平均時速贏得電單車格蘭披治大賽的冠軍。

The 22nd Macau Motor Cycle Grand Prix, American ace Kevin Schwantz wowed the crowds with his high riding antics - including wheelies at 90 mph - on his way to taking victory in the Motor Cycle GP.

1 Kevin Schwantz         USA   Suzuki RGV500
2 Peter Rubatto             DEU   Bimota YB4/Yamaha
3 Hiroyuki Kawasaki     JPN   Honda RC 30  



由於天氣惡劣及光線不足,第23屆電單車格蘭披治大賽被縮短為8圈的賽事。結果由愛爾蘭車手羅拔.鄧立普(Robert Dunlop)摘得這項賽事的桂冠。

The 23rd Macau Motor Cycle Grand Prix, Due to bad weather and fading light, the Motor Cycle GP was shortened to eight laps, with Ulsterman Robert Dunlop taking the chequered flag.

1 Robert Dunlop        IRL     Honda RC30
2 Peter Rubatto          DEU  Honda RC30
Steve Hislop          GBR  Honda RC30  


第24屆電單車格蘭披治大賽以一部Honda RC30的希斯立(Steve Hislop)在電單車格蘭披治以雷霆萬鈞的姿態擊敗Yamaha的魯拔圖(Reter Rubatto)奪得錦標,Yamaha的Dave Leach則獲得季軍。

The 24th Macau Motor Cycle Grand Prix, Steve Hislop in Honda RC30 stormed to victory over Yamaha's Peter Rubatto and Dave Leach in the Motor Cycle Grand Prix.



1 Steve Hislop           GBR   Honda RC30
2 Peter Rubatto         DEU   Yamaha FZ750
Dave Leach           GBR  Yamaha FZ750  


World Championship rider Didier de Radigues nicely rounded off a distinguished career by taking the Silver Jubilee of the Motor Cycle Grand Prix, and setting a new lap record of 2:25.91.

1 Didier de Radigues    BEL   Suzuki RGV500
2 Eddie Laycock           IRL   Yamaha YZR500
3 Phillip McCallen       IRL    Honda RC 30   


電單車格蘭披治賽成為一場500cc躍馬賽車之間的經典大戰,排頭位出賽的科格迪(Carl Forgaty)跟隊友韋咸(Jamie Whitham)及日本皇牌車手本間利彥(Toshihiko Honma)鬥得難分難解,最后由科加堤以總成績贏得冠軍,本間利彥及韋迪咸分列2、3位。科加堤同時以2分33.94秒的成績,打破了威廉斯在1982 年所創下的大會最快圈速紀錄。

The 26th Macau Motor Cycle Grand Prix saw a classic two-wheeled battle between the Yamaha YZR500 of Carl Fogarty, Jamie Whitham and Japanese ace Toshihiko Honma, with Fogarty taking victory on aggregate, Honma in second and Whitham third. Fogarty also set a new lap record of 2:33.94.

1 Carl Fogarty            GBR   Harris/Yamaha 500
2 Toshihiko Honma    JPN    Yamaha YZR500
3 Jamie Whitham       GBR   Harris/Yamaha 500  

澳門歷屆格蘭披治電單車大賽冠軍得主榜 (1967-2016)

#屆別 Year Rider Nat Machine Lap Total Time Ave Speed Best Lap
#1 1967 長谷川弘 (Hiroshi Hasegawa) JPN Yamaha RD05 30 1:53:34.00 60.22mph --
#2 1968 長谷川弘 (Hiroshi Hasegawa) JPN Yamaha RD05 20 1:08:24.01 57.50mph --
#3 1969 麥當奴 (John MacDonald) HKG Yamaha TD2C 30 1:45:31.50 64.83mph
#4 1970 希大澤 (Benny Hidajat) IDN Yamaha TD1 15 53:57.52 63.38mph 3:32.46
#5 1971 本橋明泰 (O. Motohashi) JPN Yamaha TR3 15 49:41.21 68.60mph --
#6 1972 高井幾次郎(Ikujiro Takai) JPN Yamaha TR3 25 1:19:51.04 71.38mph 3:07.37
#7 1973 安良岡健 (Ken Araoka) JPN Suzuki TR500 25 1:15:58.49 75.02mph 2:56.68
#8 1974 河崎裕之 (Hiroyuki Kawasaki) JPN Yamaha TZ750 25 1:19:12.61 71.96mph --
#9 1975 金谷秀夫 (Hideo Kanaya) JPN Yamaha YZR500 25 1:13:01.23 78.06mph 2:51.80
#10 1976 莫迪瑪 (Chas Mortimer) GBR Yamaha TZ350 25 1:17:04.92 73.95mph --
#11 1977 格蘭 (Mike Grant) GBR Kawasaki KR750 25 1:12:29.06 78.64mph 2:48.38
#12 1978 淺見貞男 (Sadeo Asami) JPN Yamaha TZ750 25 1:10:25.70 80.93mph 2:45.38
#13 1979 淺見貞男 (Sadeo Asami) JPN Yamaha YZR500 30* 1:23:04.39 82.33mph 2:42.78
#14 1980 淺見貞男 (Sadeo Asami) JPN Yamaha YZR500 30* 1:22:48.02 82.56mph 2:42.38
#15 1981 夏士林 (Ron Haslam) GBR Honda RS1000R 30* 1:22:57.75 82.47mph 2:42.51
#16 1982 夏士林 (Ron Haslam) GBR Honda RS1100R 30* 1:20:59.93 84.98mph 2:35.76
#17 1983 夏士林 (Ron Haslam) GBR Honda RS500 30* 1:19:56.28 85.93mph 2:36.96
#18 1984 格蘭 (Mike Grant) GBR Suzuki RGB500 30* 1:21:38.74 83.82mph --
#19 1985 夏士林 (Ron Haslam) GBR Honda RS500 30* 1:21:18.68 84.50mph --
#20 1986 夏士林 (Ron Haslam) GBR elf/Honda 500 30* 1:19:43.30 85.99mph --
#21 1987 夏士林 (Ron Haslam) GBR elf/Honda 500 10 27:04.67 84.20mph --
#22 1988 史雲斯 (Kevin Schwartz) USA Suzuki RGV500 30* 1:21:01.44 84.42mph --
#23 1989 R. 鄧立普 (Robert Dunlop) GBR Honda VFR750(RC30) 8 22:15.97 81.91mph --
#24 1990 希斯立 (Steve Hislop) GBR Honda VFR750(RC30) 30* 1:19:47.36 85.74mph --
#25 1991 雷迪基斯 (D. de Radigues) BEL Suzuki RGV500 25 1:06:00.31 85.28mph 2:35.91
#26 1992 科格迪 (Carl Fogarty) GBR Harris/Yamaha 500 30* 1:18:23.47 87.25mph 2:33.94
#27 1993 希斯立 (Steve Hislop) GBR ROC/Yamaha 500 23* 1:00:20.190 139.87kmh 2:33.18
#28 1994 希斯立 (Steve Hislop) GBR Harris/Yamaha 500 20* 52:55.750 138.68kmh 2:35.31
#29 1995 愛華士 (Mike Edwards) GBR ROC/Yamaha 500 15 38:50.640 141.72kmh 2:33.734
#30 1996 麥卡倫 (Phillip McCallen) GBR Yamaha YZR500 15 38:58.369 -- 2:33.833
#31 1997 荷夫曼 (Andy Hoffman) DEU Kawasaki ZX-7R 15 36:06.810 140.61kmh 2:32.885
#32 1998 路達 (Michael Rutter) GBR Honda RVF750(RC45) 14 33:56.800 -- 2:30.540
#33 1999 謝菲斯 (David Jefferies) GBR Yamaha YZF-R1 12 30:57.359 142.34kmh 2:32.540
#34 2000 路達 (Michael Rutter) GBR Yamaha YZF-750 12 30:57.359 142.34kmh 2:32.540
#35 2001 麥堅尼斯 (John McGuinness) GBR Honda CBR900RR 12 30:57.359 142.34kmh 2:32.540
#36 2002 路達 (Michael Rutter) GBR Ducati 998 12 30:57.359 142.34kmh 2:32.540
#37 2003 路達 (Michael Rutter) GBR Ducati 998 12 30:57.359 142.34kmh 2:32.540
#38 2004 路達 (Michael Rutter) GBR Honda CBR1000RR 12 30:57.359 142.34kmh 2:32.540
#39 2005 路達 (Michael Rutter) GBR Honda CBR1000RR 12 30:57.359 142.34kmh 2:32.540
#40 2006 柏列達 (Steve Plater) GBR Yamaha YZF-R1 15 37:19.879 147.54kmh 2:27.753
#41 2007 柏列達 (Steve Plater) GBR Yamaha YZF-R1 12 30:57.359 142.34kmh 2:32.540
#42 2008 伊斯頓 (Stuart Easton) GBR Honda CBR1000RR 12 30:57.359 142.34kmh 2:32.540
#43 2009 伊斯頓 (Stuart Easton) GBR Honda CBR1000RR 15 36:50.910 142.34kmh 2:25.170
#44 2010 伊斯頓 (Stuart Easton) GBR Kawasaki ZX-10R 9 21:43.951 152.06kmh 2:23.616
#45 2011 路達 (Michael Rutter) GBR Ducati 1198R 10 24:32.817 149.59kmh 2:25.466
#46 2012 路達 (Michael Rutter) GBR Honda CBR1000RR 10 24:48.918 147.97kmh 2:27.301
#47 2013 赫徹臣 (Ian Hutchinson) GBR Yamaha YZF-R1 11 26:56.390 149.43kmh 2:25.419
#48 2014 伊斯頓 (Stuart Easton) GBR Kawasaki ZX-10R 12 29:45.143 148.10kmh 2:26.758
#49 2015 赫爾文 (Peter HIickman) GBR BMW S1000RS 12 29:22.021 152.01kmh 2:24.940
#50 2016 赫爾文 (Peter HIickman) GBR BMW S1000RS 12 29:15.590 150.50kmh 2:25.333
Guia Circuit=3.8 miles (6.117km) *=2 legs

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