2023年9月15日 星期五

Macau Motorcycle GP 50th Anniversary Special Edition (Part 2) 1993-2016


Part 2 1993-2016
澳門的賽車跑道,名為「東望洋環山跑道」(Guia Circuit),是全世界僅有的數條由馬路改變而成跑道之一,其中一段友誼馬路直路,為各國跑道中最長的一段,也是世界罕有街道組成之跑道。

1954年10月首次舉行,當時澳門格蘭披治大賽車只是本地賽車發燒友自行組織的俱樂部賽事。時至今日,這項大賽已發展到被人們公認為世界上最佳的街道賽 事。從j1975年開始便由澳門市政廳主辦的,到了90年代由澳門旅遊同負責。從前賽事主辦者由 澳門政府或葡國賽車會(ACP)創辦。1967年澳門格蘭披治電單車大賽首次舉行..........

戰後到了60年代,日本電單車工業起飛,正挑戰電單車王國地位,當時四大車廠都非常熱衷參加國際大賽,其中三大車廠Kawasaki, Yamaha, Suzuki致力開發2衝引擎,Honda則鍾情於4衝,他們還在賽場上有優異成績,尤以Yamaha在50、125、250都很出色。當時的東望洋跑道便給他們一次很好機會來顯示出未來王者的駕臨.........
歷屆澳門電單車大賽中,最新王者是8屆冠軍的英國車手路達(M. Rutter),其次是6屆冠軍的英國的夏士林(Ron Haslam),4屆冠軍的伊斯頓(Stuart Easton),三屆冠軍淺見貞男(S.Asami)、希斯立(Steve Hislop)、赫爾文 (Peter HIickman),兩屆冠軍格蘭(Mike Grant)、長谷川弘(H.Hasegawa)及柏烈特(S. Platter)。

The Macau Guia Circuit which means Eastern Coast Hill Climbing Circuit, First run in October, 1954 as a club race for local motoring enthusiasts,  has evolved into what many believe is the finest street circuit race meeting in the world.

After WWII, In the early 60s, Japan Motor Cycle Industry was booming, they were challenging the Kingdom of  Motor Cycle,  four major Motor Cycle manufacturers were entusiastic in motor racing,  Kawasaki,  Yamaha,  Suzuki - three of them developed the 2 stroke machine and the last one Honda was on 4 stroke, yet they were all highly sussessful in the racing ground, especially Yamaha, which was strong at 50, 125, 250 at that time. That was the right time, an opportunity for the Japanese bike to show their future domination, the Guia circuit.
In 50 years time,Briton Michael Rutter had finally beaten Ron Haslam all time record to become the new King,  he had 8 victory in his pocket, while Ron Haslam got 6, next was 4 times winner Stuart Easton, 3 times winner included Sadeo Asami, Steve Hislop, Peter HIickman, 2 wins were Hiroshi Hasegawa,  Mike Grant,  Steve Platter.


在澳門格蘭披治大賽車邁向第40個年頭之時,賽事總部亦正式遷入以數百萬元興建而成,特別為賽事而設並位於澳門碼頭對面的新大樓。在電單車格蘭披治賽 中,1990年盟主希斯立以4秒之差,擊敗89年冠軍鄧立普首先沖過終點。鄧立普以2分33.18秒的時間造出了新的大會最快圈速紀錄。

The 27th Macau Motor Cycle Grand Prix, 1990 winner Steve Hislop took the chequered flag four seconds ahead of 1989 winner, Robert Dunlop, who also set a new lap record of 2.33:18. 

1 Steve Hislop           GBR  ROC/Yamaha 500
Robert Dunlop       IRL  ROC/Yamaha 500
3 Mark Farmer          IRL  Ducati 900 


以Yamaha 500為其格蘭披治賽車戰馬的蘇格蘭車手希斯立(Steve Hislop),在電單車格蘭披治大賽中三度奪魁。僅以2.97秒落後的是英國車手愛華士(Mike Edwards),季軍得主則是麥加倫(Philip McCallen)。
The 28th Macau Motor Cycle Grand Prix, Scotsman Steve Hislop, riding a Harris/Yamaha 500 machine, took his third Motor Cycle GP victory. Just 2.97" behind was Englishman Mike Edwards, with Phillip McCallen in third.   

1 Steve Hislop           GBR   Harris/Yamaha 500
2 Mike Edwards        GBR   ROC/Yamaha 500
3 Phillip McCallen      IRL  Yamaha YZR500


第29屆的電單車格蘭披治大賽車方面,1994年的亞、季軍得主愛華士及麥加倫在賽事中鬥得難分難解,最後愛華士僅以1/10秒之差擊退麥加倫。麥加倫則 締出了2分33.259秒的新大會最快圈速紀錄,可算是一份安慰獎。季軍得主是瑞士一級車手荷夫曼(Andy Hofmann)。

The 29th Macau Motor Cycle Grand Prix saw a grandstand finish between 1994 runner up Mike Edwards and Philip McCallen, with Edwards pipping McCallen to the post by just over a tenth of a second. Consolation for McCallen came in the form of a new lap record of 2:33.259. Third was Swiss ace Andy Hofmann.

1 Mike Edwards        GBR  ROC/Yamaha 500
2 Phillip McCallen    IRL   Yamaha YZR500
3 Andy Hofmann      CHE   Kawasaki ZXR750R

在電單車格蘭披治大賽車方面,第8次出戰東望洋賽道的愛爾蘭車手麥加倫(Phillip McCallen ),終能一嘗這15圈賽事的冠軍滋味,以14秒之多放离在首圈領先蘇格蘭車手賓納 (Roger Bennett)。路達(Michael Rutter)為第3名衝過終點的車手,而92年冠軍得主愛華士則以兩分33.07秒創出新的大會最快圈速紀錄。

The 30th Macau Motor Cycle Grand Prix, Ulsterman Philip McCallen won the 15-lap race on his eighth visit to the Guia circuit after pulling open a near 14 second advantage over Scotsman Roger Bennett, the first lap leader. Michael Rutter was third home, while 1992 winner Mike Edwards set a new lap record of 2:33.07. 

1 Phillip McCallen    IRL     Yamaha YZR500
2 Roger Bennett       GBR    Kawasaki ZXR750R
3 Michael Rutter       GBR    Kawasaki ZXR750R


來自瑞士的街道賽老將荷夫曼(Andy Hofmann)實踐了他在熱身賽時許下的諾言,勇奪電單車格蘭披治大賽錦標,並以差不多7秒的距離擊敗了上屆冠軍得主麥加倫。夏捷比(Shawn Higbee)則以他的鈴木900奪得一席季軍,成為十年以來首位以個人名義參賽而又能廁身領獎台的美國車手。

The 31st Macau Motor Cycle Grand Prix, Veteran Swiss road racer Andy Hofmann fulfilled his promises to win the Motor Cycle GP. Hofmann, on his 750cc Kawasaki, won the race by almost seven seconds ahead of 1996 winner, Phillip McCallen on a Yamaha YZR500. Shawn Higbee, on a Suzuki GSX-R900, took third, making him the first American privateer on podium for almost a decade.

1 Andy Hofmann      CHE    Kawasaki ZXR750R
2 Phillip McCallen    IRL     Yamaha YZR500
3 Shawn Higbee       USA    Suzuki  GSX-R900


第32屆澳門格蘭披治電單車大賽由英國好手路達(Michael Rutter)奪標。除了以6秒之多擊敗他的英國本田車隊隊友森普遜(Ian Simpson)外,路達更把賽事的最快圈速紀錄推前了2.2秒。麥堅尼斯(John McGuinness)和美國車手米拿(Mark Millar)則分別奪得這場賽事的第三及第四名。

In the 32nd Motorcycle Grand Prix, Briton Michael Rutter stormed to victory, shattering the existing lap record by over 2.2 seconds, and heading home his Honda Britain team mate Ian Simpson by more than six seconds. John McGuinness cruised home third, with American Mark Miller in fourth place.

1 Michael Rutter       GBR    Honda RC45
2 Ian Simpson           GBR    Honda RC45
John McGuinness  GBR    Honda RS500


在格蘭披治電單車大賽,英國車手謝菲斯(David Jefferies)第二次參賽終獲幸運之神眷顧,成功登上冠軍寶座。謝菲斯在這場擊敗瑞士好手荷夫曼(Andreas Hofmann)封王,這場賽事由於荷夫曼的賽車漏出燃油宣布提前兩圈結束。1998年盟主路達則取得第3名。

The 33rd Macau Motor Cycle Grand Prix, England's David Jefferies made it second time lucky, with a win at his second time of trying. Jefferies headed home Swiss rider Andreas Hofmann, when the race was halted two laps early because of Hofmann's machine leaking oil. Third placed man was 1998 winner Michael Rutter.

1 David Jefferies    IRL     Yamaha YZF-R1
2 Andy Hofmann      CHE    Kawasaki ZXR750R
3 Michael Rutter       GBR    Suzuki GSX-R750


路達在一場龍爭虎鬥中擊敗同鄉謝菲斯,三年內第二度奪得澳門格蘭披治電單車大賽的冠軍寶座。謝菲斯雖然屈居亞軍,但卻刷新賽事的最快 圈速紀錄,他以7/10秒之差打破了路達在1998年創下的舊紀錄。美國車手米拿則取得賽事的季軍。

The 34th Macau Motor Cycle Grand Prix saw Michael Rutter claim his second victory in three years, but not before an epic battle with fellow countryman David Jefferies. Jefferies finished second, but not before setting a new lap record, breaking that set by Rutter in 1998 by 7/10". In third was American Mark Miller.

1 Michael Rutter       GBR   Yamaha YZF750
2 David Jefferies      GBR    Yamaha YZF-R1
3 Mark Miller           USA    Yamaha YZF-R1

第35屆澳門格蘭披治電單車大賽,當年已是第四次參賽的麥堅尼斯(John McGuinness)以Honda CBR960奪得冠軍,亞軍Roger Bennett的Ducati 966 ,季軍David Jefferies的Yamaha YZF-R1。

John McGuinness and his Honda CBR960 won the 35th Macau Motor Cycle Grand Prix at his fourth attempt.Roger Bennett’s Ducati 966took second place ,David Jefferies’s Yamaha YZF-R1took third place.

1 John McGuinness      GBR   Yamaha YZF750
2 Roger Bennett      GBR    Ducati 966
3 David Jefferies      GBR    Yamaha YZF-R1

由於天雨關係,原定於星期六舉行的第36屆澳門格蘭披治電單車大賽改於星期日舉行。英國車手路達(Michael Rutter)和三位曾經三奪此項賽事冠軍的車手看齊,成為三屆冠軍得主。路達力壓實力接近的前任冠軍車手和麥堅尼斯勇奪冠軍。曾經於1999年贏得此項賽事的謝菲斯(David Jefferies)獲得季軍。謝菲斯在接著的一年於人島TT大賽中不幸意外身亡。

The 36th Motor Cycle Grand Prix, which was held on the Sunday of the Grand Prix because of rain on Saturday, Michael Rutter joined an elite band of three other riders who had won the event three times. The UK-based rider beat former winner and close rival John McGuinness to the chequered flag. David Jefferies, who had won the event in 1999 was third. Jefferies was killed tragically the following year during the Isle of Man TT.

1 Michael Rutter      GBR   Ducati 966
2 John McGuinness GBR   Honda
3 David Jefferies      GBR  Suzuki

路達以壓倒性姿態贏得第37屆澳門格蘭披治電單車大賽冠軍,紀錄性地6年內四次獲得冠軍。在這場15圈的賽事,駕駛Renegade Racing Ducati的路達甫起步便節節領先,最後以超過5.5秒的距離壓倒最接近的對手,2001年賽事冠軍麥堅尼斯(John McGuinness)。路達更錦上添花,打破了最快圈速紀錄,比舊紀錄快了差不多一秒。經驗豐富的蘇格蘭車手摩裡臣(Brian Morrison)駕駛鈴木戰馬奪得季軍。

The 37th Macau Motorcycle Grand Prix, Michael Rutter rode to a commanding victory, bringing his Macau tally to a record-breaking four wins in six years. Michael led the 15-lap race from start to finish on his Renegade Racing Ducati, beating his closest rival John McGuinness, winner of the 2001 event, by more than five and a half seconds and breaking the lap record by almost a full second in the process. Third home was veteran Scotsman Brian Morrison on a Suzuki. Australian Cameron Donald won the Supersport 600 class from New Zealand newcomer Bruce Anstey.

1 Michael Rutter      GBR   Ducati 998
2 John McGuinness GBR   Ducati 999
3 Brian Morrison     GBR   Suzuki  GSXR1000

英國車手路達(Michael Rutter)勝出第38屆澳門格蘭披電單車大賽,完成了帽子戲法。
今次是路達第五次勝出,勁敵Ducati麥堅尼斯(John McGuiness)於練習時段造出最快時間,並在比賽初段取得領先位置,路達要在15圈賽事拼盡全力才能奪標。
在第8圈,32歲的英國車手麥堅尼斯在葡京彎前直路的速度比平常慢,路達把握機會越過對手。麥堅尼斯最後僅以半秒之差屈居亞軍,Ducati的21歲蘇格蘭車手伊斯頓(Stuart Easton)獲得季軍。

Michael Rutter (Honda CBR 1000) , made it three wins in a row when he won the 38th Macau Motor Cycle Grand Prix. Rutter had to work hard for his win, the fifth of his career in Macau, after rival John McGuinness (Ducati 999), who had been fastest in practice, took the lead at the start of the 15-lap race.
Rutter’s chance to take the lead came on lap 8 and beat McGuinness half a second down at the chequered flag, 21 years old Scot Stuart Easton (Ducati 999) finishing third.

1 Michael Rutter      GBR   Honda CBR1000R
2 John McGuinness GBR   Ducati 999
Stuart Easton        GBR   Ducati 999

第39屆澳門格蘭披治電單車大賽也成為焦點所在,因為路達(Michael Rutter)賽前誓言要平了傳奇「火箭人」夏士林(Ron Haslam)六勝這項比賽的紀錄。
路達在15圈的賽事中排頭位起跑,讓他距離目標又近了一步。現年32歲的路達駕駛Honda 1000戰車參賽,他在比賽中節節領先,速度之快讓其它對手望塵莫及,他最後以輕鬆的姿態首先衝過終點,更成功名留澳門格蘭披治大賽車的青史。
路達最後以16.6秒的優勢擊敗獲得亞軍的英國同胞麥堅尼斯(John McGuiness),後者同樣以Honda戰車出賽。排第5位起跑的蘇格蘭車手辛特(Les Shand)在比賽中奮力作戰,他在第9圈超越威爾斯車手盧化(Ian Lougher),獲得第三名。

 Much anticipation surrounded the 39th Macau Motorcycle Grand Prix as Briton Michael Rutter embarked upon his quest to equal two-wheel legend “Rocket” Ron Haslam’s record of six Macau victories.
Rutter’s campaign got off to a good start when he took pole position for the start of the 15-lap race. The 32-year-old, aboard the 1000cc Red Bull Honda, then led from start to finish and set a pace quicker than any of his rivals, taking the chequered flag in style and booking his place in the Macau Grand Prix history books.
By the end of the race, Rutter had pulled out a gap of 16.6 seconds over second-placed man, fellow Briton John McGuinness, also on a Honda. Scotsman Les Shand charged through from fifth place on the opening lap to pass Welshman Ian Lougher on lap nine to take the final podium spot.

1 Michael Rutter      GBR   Honda CBR1000R
2 John McGuinness GBR   Honda CBR1000R
Les Shand             GBR   Yamaha YZF-R1

澳門格蘭披治電單車大賽進入第40屆,多名前任冠軍得主重臨澳門參與各項慶祝活動。傳奇車手「火箭人」夏士林 (Ron Haslam) 雖已結束比賽生涯多年,仍不希望看見路達 (Michael Rutter) 打破自己在澳門的得勝紀錄,他於1987年最後一次在澳門獲勝。

 駕駛Yamaha 1000戰車上陣的英國車手柏列達 (Steve Plater) 在第40屆澳門格蘭披治大賽脫穎而出,兼且刷新了圈速記錄。柏列達在比賽的初段便超越了路達,雙方鬥得非常激烈,一共四次打破由路達所保持的圈速記錄。柏列達一直力壓對手,最後首先衝過終點。
以Honda 1000戰馬參賽的路達在賽事剩餘兩圈的時候受慢車所阻,但是他沒有放棄任何機會,最後只以1秒之差屈居第二。
第三位英國車手兼路達的隊友赫徹臣 (Ian Hutchinson),落後冠軍27秒之多。
其他聯同夏士林一起參加慶祝活動的前任冠軍車手包括:前世界冠軍兼1988澳門冠軍舒華斯 (Kevin Schwantz)、 TT大賽英雄兼在70及80年代兩次在澳門獲勝的格蘭 (Mick Grant) 及1991年澳門冠軍得主華迪古斯 (Didier de Radigues) 。

For the 40th running of the Macau Motorcycle Grand Prix, a host of former winners returned to the city to join in the celebrations. Despite having retired from competition some years ago, and with the last of his six Macau victories coming in 1987, the legendary “Rocket” Ron Haslam was not looking forward to seeing his record number of wins broken by Michael Rutter.
Briton Steve Plater, on board  Yamaha 1000 emerged triumphant from a record-breaking 40th Macau Motorcycle Grand Prix to take victory. Plater passed Rutter early on in the race and, despite a furious battle which saw the pair break Rutter’s long-standing lap record no fewer than four times, stayed ahead of his rival until the chequered flag.
Rutter, on Honda 1000, was badly baulked by a slower rider two laps from home but continued to chase the race leader and was just under a second behind him at the chequered flag.
A third British racer and Rutter’s team mate, Ian Hutchinson was 27"down on the race winner.
Other Macau winners of the past joining Haslam for the anniversary were former World Champion and Macau winner in 1988 Kevin Schwantz, TT hero Mick Grant who took two Macau victories in the 1970’s and 80’s, and Macau champion in 1991, Didier de Radigues.

1 Steve Plater           GBR   Yamaha YZF-R1
2 Michael Rutter      GBR   Honda CBR1000R
3 Ian Hutchinson      GBR   Honda CBR1000R

柏列達(Steve Plater)在第41屆澳門格蘭披治電單車大賽成功蟬聯錦標。
這位34歲的英國好手在比賽的第15圈,也就是最後一圈得到幸運之神眷顧。他與麥堅尼斯(John McGuiness)在髮夾彎遇上慢車。
駕駛Yamaha 1000參賽的柏列達順利越過兩輛慢車,最後以超過4秒勝出比賽。可是,麥堅尼斯卻遭該兩位互不相讓的車手所阻,只能眼睜睜的看著柏列達絕塵而去。
希望紀錄性七奪賽事冠軍的路達(Michael Rutter)/Kawasaki 1000甚至未能躋身頒獎台。在比賽尚餘三圈的時候,路達與奧地利車手軒德利達(Thomas Hinterreiter)/Yamaha 1000並肩向呈90的葡京彎進發,由於對手完全地佔據了行車路線,路達別無選擇,只能讓戰馬直衝向安全通道。

In the 41st running of the Macau Motor Cycle Grand Prix, Steve Plater claimed his second victory in succession.
But the 34-year-old British racer had a massive stroke of luck on the 15th and final lap of the event when he and rival John McGuinness, on Honda encountered two lapped riders at the Melco Hairpin.
McGuinness, winner of the race in 2001, had the consolation of setting a new lap record for the event at 2:26.096 seconds (150.80kph).
Plater was able to pass them and pull away to win by over four seconds on Yamaha 1000, while McGuinness who was baulked by the two riders having their own private battle could only watch as Plater pulled away.
Michael Rutter/Kawasaki 1000, looking for a record-breaking seventh win in the race, did not even have the consolation of a podium finish.  He was forced to take to the slip road at the 90 degree Lisboa corner three laps from the end when Austrian rival Thomas Hinterreiter/Yamaha 1000 rode side-by-side with him towards the turn.

1 Steve Plater               GBR   Yamaha YZF-R1
2 John McGuinness     GBR   Honda CBR1000R
3 Thomas Hinterreiter AUT   Yamaha YZF-R1


在澳門格蘭披治電單車大賽,蘇格蘭車手伊斯頓首次奪標,六屆冠軍得主路達屈居亞軍,麥堅尼斯(John McGuinness)獲得第三名。
路達在比賽中看似有機會獲得冠軍,因其中兩位領先車手先後因機件故障退出比賽。在首圈比賽戲劇性地從路達手上搶走領導地位的澳洲車手當奴(Cameron Donald)在第5圈遇到機件故障被逼退出比賽。伊斯頓領先路達3秒之多,而且有越贏越遠之勢。
排頭位的金明斯(Conor Cummins) 看似有力威脅前面的伊斯頓及路達,可惜他的戰馬卻在第八圈發生機件故障。金明斯退賽的同時,路達也漸漸追上25歲的蘇格蘭車手伊斯頓,他決意要貼近對手並逼使對方犯錯。路達成功將距離縮短至1/5秒,但是伊斯頓要首次奪標的決心實在太強,他越戰越勇,最後以2.7秒擊敗路達。麥堅尼斯落後路達接近30秒獲得第三名

The 42nd Macau Motor Cycle Grand Prix, Scottish racer Stuart Easton took his first-ever victory, with six-time winner Rutter finishing second and John McGuinness rounding out the podium.
Rutter’s victory looked to be his for the taking when two of the frontrunners were forced out with mechanical problems. Though he dramatically took the lead from Rutter on the opening lap, Cameron Donald was forced to stop on lap five with a mechanical problem. That left Easton in the lead with a margin of almost three seconds from Rutter and pulling away.
On lap eight, pole-sitter Conor Cummins suffered a mechanical breakdown, just as he looked as if he might pose a threat to Rutter and Easton ahead of him. With Cummins out, Rutter realized he was closing in the 25-year old Scot and was determined to catch him in the hopes of forcing him to make a mistake. The gap closed to within a fifth of a second, but a determined Easton would not give away his debut victory and charged on to take the chequered flag by a 2.7 second margin. McGuinness was nearly 30 seconds behind Rutter and finished third.

1 Stuart Easton             GBR   Honda CBR1000R
2 Michael Rutter          GBR   Ducati 1198
3 John McGuinness     GBR   Honda CBR1000R


26歲蘇格蘭車手伊斯頓(Stuart Easton)在第43屆澳門格蘭披治電單車大賽的兩節排位賽後脫穎而出,沒有一位對手能與他匹敵。
赫徹臣獲得第三名,是他參加澳門大賽以來的最佳成績。他在比賽中與29歲英國車手莊遜(Gary Johnson)鬥得難分難解,最後赫徹臣成功突圍,以超過五秒戰勝對方。
德國車手賓斯高化(Rico Penzkofer)/BMW落後莊遜9秒得第五名,六屆冠軍得主路達(Michael Rutter)只得一席令人失望的第六名。
法國車手巴華天以超過三秒擊敗香港車手張煒安獲Supersport 600組冠軍,本地車手費蘭迪斯(Joao Fernandes)獲第三名。 

The 43rd Macau Motorcycle Grand Prix, Stuart Easton, the 26-year-old Scottish racer, took pole position after qualifying fastest in the two timed sessions after none of his rivals were able to get near his best lap.Easton finished over four fifths of a second faster than Conor Cummins/Kawasaki, the 23-year-old racer from the Isle of Man.

Michael Rutter, the 36-year-old Leicestershire rider who was looking for his record-breaking seventh win in Macau, was third fastest on Kawasaki 1000, but his machine finally broke down on his final lap of qualifying after suffering a misfire for most of the session.
Another British rider, Ian Hutchinson/Kawasaki, the 30-year-old Yorkshireman, was fourth fastest to complete the front row of the grid for the 15-lap race.
After a thrilling race on Saturday, it was pole-sitter Easton who won the Macau Motorcycle GP for the second year in a row, breaking the lap record in the process. However, his victory was in doubt until the final few yards after rear tyre problems struck.
Easton led the pack away from the start and had built up a lead of over six seconds before his rear tyre began to show signs of excessive wear on lap 6. His main rival, Conor Cummins, then started to catch him rapidly. On the penultimate lap of the 15-lap race, Cummins took the lead, but Easton was not giving up without a fight.

Ian Hutchinson came home in third place, his best ever finish in the event, after catching and re-passing Gary Johnson, the 29-year-old from Lincolnshire, in the closing stages to cross the line over 5" ahead.
German Rico Penzkofer/BMW was fifth home, nine seconds behind Johnson, with six-times winner of the race Michael Rutter a disappointing sixth.
Frenchman Amaury Baratin won the Supersport 600 Class, beating Cheung Wai On by just over 3", while third was local rider Joao Fernandes.

1 Stuart Easton             GBR   Honda CBR1000R
Conor Cummins       GBR   Kawasaki ZX10R
3 Ian Hutchinson         GBR    Kawasaki ZX10R


在第44屆澳門格蘭披治電單車大賽,六屆冠軍得主路達(Michael Rutter)希望破紀錄七奪錦標,兩屆冠軍車手伊斯頓(Stuart Easton)則力爭三連霸。
路達先聲奪人,戲劇性地在最後一節排位賽最後一圈擊敗伊斯頓,獲得排頭位。代表Honda車隊出賽的另一名英國車手麥堅尼斯(John McGuinness)排第三位。
伊斯頓馬上加快步伐,在第7圈跑出最快圈速,大大打擊路達士氣。英國車手安德魯斯(Simon Andrews)一直守在第三位,戰馬卻在最後一圈末段失靈,美國車手杜爾(Jeremy Toye)幸運地獲得季軍。

The 44th Macau Motor Cycle GP, six time winner Michael Rutter came to Macau seeking a record-breaking seventh win, while two time champion Stuart Easton was on the hunt for his third Macau title.
Rutter claimed a dramatic pole position on the very last lap of the final qualifying session ahead of Easton. Another British rider, John McGuinness, was third fastest on Honda.

Rutter may have started from pole, but it was Easton who took the flag in the 44th running of one of the world’s most challenging motorcycle street races. However, he had to beat off a strong challenge from Rutter in the first part of the race until it was red flagged after six laps following an incident. At the restart, Easton made a second attempt to open up a gap over Rutter, until his rival closed in again and threatened to catch and pass the Scot.
Easton responded by quickening his pace, setting a new lap record on the seventh lap, breaking Rutter’s spirit. Toye grabbed a dramatic third place within sight of the finish line after Britain’s Simon Andrews struck mechanical problems on the final lap.

1 Stuart Easton            GBR   Kawasaki ZX10R
Michael Rutter         GBR   Ducati 1198
3 Jeremy Toye             USA   BMW S1000RS


第45屆澳門格蘭披治電單車 大賽一直受天雨影響延期,排位賽最終在星期六下午展開,一眾電單車車手鬆一口氣。
路達過去六年一直和夏士林並列,期望今年駕駛Ducati 1200戰馬突破紀錄,向第七座澳門錦標進發。
在澳門全場觀眾熱烈喝采下,路達衝過終點,成就東望洋賽道傳奇,完成七奪澳門冠軍的創舉,以4.772秒壓倒謝索普、赫徹臣和美國車手杜爾(Jeremy Toye)。

The 45th Macau Motor Cycle Grand Prix, With rain disrupting the programme , it was a relief for the riders to get the qualifying session under way on Saturday afternoon.
Michael Rutter, on Ducati 1200, was on the hunt for a seventh Macau title, looking to finally better the existing record he had shared with Ron Haslam since 2005.
With the Grand Prix run on the Sunday, although Rutter had the advantage of pole position, it was Hutchinson who stormed off the grid and into the lead off the start. McGuinness too managed to get by the veteran in the run to Lisboa, with Jessopp following suit.

While Hutchinson set about building a gap from his rivals, Jessopp, McGuinness and Rutter were engaged in a three-way battle, with McGuinness dropping back down to fourth. Rutter was on a charge, and on his finest form, moving up to second and catching Hutchinson fast.
Closing in fast, Rutter grabbed the lead from Hutchinson on lap four, with team mate Jessopp moving up to second.
To a roar of approval from the crowd, Rutter proved he is the most successful rider ever on the Guia Circuit, taking his seventh victory with a margin of 4.772 seconds from Jessopp, Hutchinson and American rider Jeremy Toye.

1 Michael Rutter         GBR   Ducati 1198
Martin Jessopp         GBR   Ducati 1198
3 Ian Hutchinson        USA   Yamaha YZF-R1


在傳奇的澳門格蘭披治電單車大賽中,「澳門之王」路達(Michael Rutter),期待駕駛Honda電單車贏得第八冠。2011年,他贏得創紀錄的第七勝,榮列史冊,他期待能夠再進一步。
20多位高手同場競技,路達一馬當先,憑藉教科書般精准的駕駛贏得比賽。他的比賽始於標誌性地快速發車,直到比賽中段,才遇到謝索普(Martin Jessopp)的挑戰。謝索普起步不佳,奮起直追,在一圈中就從第4名躍升至第2名。
然而路達已經遙遙領先,無法追上,謝索普再次取得亞軍。安德魯斯(Simon Andrews)駕駛BMW在前幾圈很快,最終獲得第三名,這也是他在澳門的最好成績。
憑藉路達的冠軍,加上麥堅尼斯的第七名, SMT Racing車隊贏得了新設立的車隊冠軍。

The 46th Macau Motor Cycle Grand Prix, In the legendary Macau Motorcycle Grand Prix, the two-wheel ‘King of Macau’, Michael Rutter, was on the hunt for a lucky eighth victory aboard an SMT Honda.  Having secured his name in the history books in 2011 when he took set a new record of seven Macau wins, he was looking to go one better.
With rain interrupting the schedule, the 46th Edition of the Macau Motorcycle Grand Prix was run on Sunday, after the end of the Formula 3 Macau Grand Prix.

As the strong field of more than 20 riders roared off the grid, Rutter was untouchable, putting on a masterclass display of wheel-perfect racing.  Making his hallmark fast start, he was never really challenged until Jessopp recovered from his poor start to fight his way back up to second, charging up from fourth in just a single lap.
However, Rutter was already too far ahead to catch and Jessopp had to settle for second place once again.  Simon Andrews on an Ice Valley BMW claimed a strong third after some very quick laps early one, his best result so far at Macau.
Rutter’s win, and McGuinness’s seventh place finish, earned their SMT Racing team the inaugural Macau Motor Cycle Grand Prix Team Award.

1 Michael Rutter         GBR   Ducati 1198
Martin Jessopp         GBR   Ducati 1198
3 Ian Hutchinson        USA   Yamaha YZF-R1


第47屆澳門格蘭披治電單車大賽,英國車手赫徹臣(Ian Hutchinson)因傷闊別賽場18個月,在澳門書寫了一段熱血傳奇。
Yamaha車隊的赫徹臣,在最後時刻勇奪頭位,阻止了路達(Michael Rutter)/Honda摘下第十個頭位的腳步,兩人的最快圈速只相差0.05秒。麥堅尼斯(John McGuinness)/Honda躋身前三。
在星期六舉行的澳門格蘭披治電單車大賽中,赫徹臣從杆位發車,起步平平,第四個進入葡京彎,但他迅速奮起直追,先後超越麥堅尼斯和莊遜(Gary Johnson)/Honda,升至第二。接著他毫不猶豫地超越了排在第一位的路達,把自己的名字留在了澳門史冊上。
在縮短了的11圈比賽中,路達獲得亞軍,沒能延續勝利腳步,贏得第九冠。莊遜第一次在澳門登上了領獎台。麥堅尼斯起步不錯,率先進入葡京彎,最終獲得第四,領先斯多亞(James Storrar)。

The 47th Macau Motor Cycle Grand Prix, Macau Motorcycle Grand Prix saw a fairy-tale comeback for Briton Ian Hutchinson, who returned to competition after an 18-month layoff due to injury.
The Yamaha rider grabbed pole position for the 47th Macau Motorcycle Grand Prix in a stunning last-gasp pole that denied eight-time winner Michael Rutter his 10th pole position. Just over5/100"separated the pair, with Honda TT Legends rider John McGuinness rounding out the top three.

Saturday’s Macau Motorcycle Grand Prix saw Hutchinson get off to a slow start from pole and was fourth going into Lisboa, but immediately set about recovering his position, first getting by John McGuinness, and then by Gary Johnson before passing eight-time winner Michael Rutter and immediately opening a gap to complete an incredible comeback and cement his name in the Macau history books.
 Rutter finished second in the shortened 11-lap race, denied a ninth victory this year, with Johnson earning his first career Macau podium in third. McGuinness made an excellent start to lead into Lisboa, but finished fourth ahead of James Storrar.

1 Michael Rutter         GBR   Ducati 1198
Martin Jessopp         GBR   Ducati 1198
3 Ian Hutchinson        USA   Yamaha YZF-R1


第48屆澳門格蘭披治電單車大賽再一次在澳門街道上演振奮人心的鐵騎大賽。伊斯頓(Stuart Easton)駕駛Kawasaki戰車出賽,延續2008、2009和2010年的勝利,第四度在澳門奏起凱旋之歌。闊別東望洋賽道三年的伊斯頓,表現絕對沒有令車迷失望。
經過一番激鬥後,最後由Yamaha的八屆冠軍車手路達(Michael Rutter)勇獲亞軍席位,謝索普(Martin Jessopp)/BMW則獲季軍。
首輪排位賽後路達本有望在星期六的正賽以排頭位起步,豈料伊斯頓在次輪排位賽中迎頭趕上,刷出最快單圈速,鎖定頭位,路達只能屈居第二位起步。其後的依次為莊士頓(Lee Johnston)、去年冠軍赫徹臣(Ian Hutchinson)和斯多亞(James Storrar)。

於是策略性地放棄爭奪冠軍,希望穩守第二位,先後抵擋莊士頓、莊遜(Gary Johnson)和謝索普的攻勢。莊遜和莊士頓最後分別以第四和第五名完賽。

The 48th Macau Motor Cycle Grand Prixsaw Stuart Easton on Kawasaki ride to a dominant victory – his fourth in as many attempts. Easton had last raced – and won – in Macau in 2010, following wins in 2008 and 2009, and returned to the Guia Circuit for the first time in 2014 after a three-year absence.
Second across the line was eight-time Macau Motorcycle Grand Prix winner Michael Rutter on a Yamaha who was locked in a race-long battle for second. Martin Jessopp on BMW was third on the podium.
Easton set the fastest time in the second qualifying session to take pole position for Saturday’s race, with Rutter, who had taken provisional pole after the first qualifying session, second fastest overall. Rounding out the top five was Lee Johnston, last year’s winner Ian Hutchinson and James Storrar.
In Saturday’s 15-lap Grand Prix, Easton immediately began pulling a gap, increasing his advantage by over a second a lap on every lap but the last.
However, behind him a white-knuckle thriller was underway. Hutchinson launched an early bid for glory at Lisboa but made a mistake and took the escape road. He would retire on the first lap.
Although Rutter started slowly, he was soon up to second place in pursuit of Easton. After clipping the wall, Rutter decided second place would have to do, but was then forced to defend his position first from Lee Johnston, then Gary Johnson and finally Jessopp. Behind Jessopp were Johnson and Johnston, fourth and fifth, respectively.

1 Stuart Easton            GBR   Kawasaki ZX10R
2 Michael Rutter         GBR   Yamaha YZF-R1
3 Martin Jessopp         GBR   BMW S1000RS

邁入第49屆的澳門格蘭披治電單車大賽中包括四位曾經征服這場遠東經典賽事的王者:伊斯頓(Stuart Easton)、赫徹臣(Ian Hutchinson)、路達(Michael Rutter)和麥堅尼斯(John McGuinness)。
儘管如此,比賽的桂冠最終卻落在以精湛車技領先6.2秒衝線的赫爾文(Peter Hickman)。

Four previous Macau Motorcycle Grand Prix winners were among the impressive entry for the 49th running of the Far East Classic: Stuart Easton, Ian Hutchinson, Michael Rutter and John McGuinness.
However, it was Peter Hickman who upset the form book by taking a spectacular win in a race that was closer than the final margin of 6.2 seconds would make it appear.
Second place for Martin Jessopp was scant reward for his hard work and pace throughout the weekend. Convincingly fastest in qualifying and warm-up, he took a gamble on opening enough of an early advantage on a softer tyre to maintain his lead to the end of 12 laps, but by half-distance the dice had fallen in Hickman’s favour and Jessopp had no reply, though he was far enough ahead of the rest of the field that his second place was never under threat.
After a 12-lap battle, Michael Rutter finished third, adding to his vast array of silverware earned at Macau but missing out on increasing his record eight-win tally by just under ten seconds – that was the margin between first and third places on an afternoon when a dozen riders all tried their hardest to get on the podium.
It was the seasoned McGuinness, the most successful road racer of his generation, who provided the final thrills, swooping past Gary Johnson on the wrong side of the tarmac at the endless left-hander of Dona Maria in a move worthy of a bid for victory, easily the most breathtaking moment in thirty minutes of exceptional racing.

1 Peter Hickman         GBR   BMW S1000RS
2 Martin Jessopp        GBR   BMW S1000RS
3 Michael Rutter        GBR   BMW S1000RS


今年除了是澳門史無前例地同時舉行兩項世界盃賽事外,亦見證東望洋跑道上的第50屆澳門格蘭披治電單車大賽,這場歷久彌新的遠東經典大戰在2016年迎來英國車手赫爾文(Peter Hickman)/BMW的二連勝。
當比賽展開後,謝索普的起步未如理想,路達因而伺機超越並取得領先。但謝索普並未放棄,更在比賽頭幾圈使用尾流和剎車技巧,與路達和首次征戰澳門的歐文(Glenn Irwin)展開激烈的爭持,至於赫爾文則緊隨在前列分子之後。
澳門格蘭披治電單車大賽金禧慶典的慶祝活動亦豐富多采。歷屆賽事冠軍得主:淺見貞男(Sadeo Asami)、格蘭(Mick Grant)、麥加倫(Phillip McCallen)和柏列達(Steve Plate)重臨澳門,參與第五十屆澳門格蘭披治電單車大賽的慶祝活動,澳門郵政局更推出一套印有格蘭、路達、六屆王者夏士林(Ron Haslam)、舒華斯(Kevin Schwantz)和1967年首屆澳門格蘭披治電單車大賽冠軍長谷川弘(Hiroshi Hasegawa)的紀念郵品。印有赫爾文、路達和麥堅尼斯(John McGuinness)的澳門通特別版亦於同期發行,而澳門品牌Worker Playground則為慶祝格蘭披治電單車大賽金禧慶典而設計和生產了一系列紀念品。此外,於比賽當天下午亦舉行了經典電單車巡遊,展出不同年代的兩輪鐵騎。

The 50th Macau Motor Cycle Grand Prix, While this year saw Macao host an unprecedented two world cup titles, the Guia street circuit was also home to the 50th running of the Macau Motorcycle Grand Prix. The 2016 edition of the Far East Classic was one for the ages, with Briton Peter Hickman /BMW taking a second consecutive victory.
From pole, Jessopp didn’t get the start he needed and Rutter seized the opportunity, taking the lead. But Jessopp wasn’t done and he battled Rutter for the lead, with the pair and Macao newcomer Glenn Irwin/Ducati all swapping places in the slipstream and under brakes in all the classic overtaking spots, with Hickman just behind them.
With a couple of laps to go, Hickman swept past Rutter. After taking the lead, Hickman was never challenged for the win, but Rutter was forced to defend against a determined Jessopp. Rutter, however, never wavered and as the trio crossed the finish line, the crowd rose to its feet.
While the celebrations for the 50th anniversary culminated with a classic Grand Prix, homage to the iconic race had been paid all week long. Former winners Sadeo Asami, Mick Grant, Philip McCallen and Steve Plater joined Grand Prix week, while a commemorative stamp issue by Macao Post featured Grant, Rutter, six-time winner Ron Haslam, Kevin Schwantz and Hiroshi Hasegawa, the first ever winner of the Motorcycle Grand Prix in 1967. A commemorative Macau Pass set featured Hickman, Rutter and John McGuinness, while local Macao brand Worker Playground designed and produced a collection of apparel in honour of the Golden Jubilee. A parade of classic bikes took to the track on Saturday, representing each era of the motorcycle.

1 Peter Hickman         GBR   BMW S1000RS
Michael Rutter         GBR   BMW S1000RS
3 Martin Jessopp         GBR  BMW S1000RS

澳門歷屆格蘭披治電單車大賽冠軍得主榜 (1967-2016)

#屆別 Year Rider Nat Machine Lap Total Time Ave Speed Best Lap
#1 1967 長谷川弘 (Hiroshi Hasegawa) JPN Yamaha RD05 30 1:53:34.00 60.22mph --
#2 1968 長谷川弘 (Hiroshi Hasegawa) JPN Yamaha RD05 20 1:08:24.01 57.50mph --
#3 1969 麥當奴 (John MacDonald) HKG Yamaha TD2C 30 1:45:31.50 64.83mph
#4 1970 希大澤 (Benny Hidajat) IDN Yamaha TD1 15 53:57.52 63.38mph 3:32.46
#5 1971 本橋明泰 (O. Motohashi) JPN Yamaha TR3 15 49:41.21 68.60mph --
#6 1972 高井幾次郎(Ikujiro Takai) JPN Yamaha TR3 25 1:19:51.04 71.38mph 3:07.37
#7 1973 安良岡健 (Ken Araoka) JPN Suzuki TR500 25 1:15:58.49 75.02mph 2:56.68
#8 1974 河崎裕之 (Hiroyuki Kawasaki) JPN Yamaha TZ750 25 1:19:12.61 71.96mph --
#9 1975 金谷秀夫 (Hideo Kanaya) JPN Yamaha YZR500 25 1:13:01.23 78.06mph 2:51.80
#10 1976 莫迪瑪 (Chas Mortimer) GBR Yamaha TZ350 25 1:17:04.92 73.95mph --
#11 1977 格蘭 (Mike Grant) GBR Kawasaki KR750 25 1:12:29.06 78.64mph 2:48.38
#12 1978 淺見貞男 (Sadeo Asami) JPN Yamaha TZ750 25 1:10:25.70 80.93mph 2:45.38
#13 1979 淺見貞男 (Sadeo Asami) JPN Yamaha YZR500 30* 1:23:04.39 82.33mph 2:42.78
#14 1980 淺見貞男 (Sadeo Asami) JPN Yamaha YZR500 30* 1:22:48.02 82.56mph 2:42.38
#15 1981 夏士林 (Ron Haslam) GBR Honda RS1000R 30* 1:22:57.75 82.47mph 2:42.51
#16 1982 夏士林 (Ron Haslam) GBR Honda RS1100R 30* 1:20:59.93 84.98mph 2:35.76
#17 1983 夏士林 (Ron Haslam) GBR Honda RS500 30* 1:19:56.28 85.93mph 2:36.96
#18 1984 格蘭 (Mike Grant) GBR Suzuki RGB500 30* 1:21:38.74 83.82mph --
#19 1985 夏士林 (Ron Haslam) GBR Honda RS500 30* 1:21:18.68 84.50mph --
#20 1986 夏士林 (Ron Haslam) GBR elf/Honda 500 30* 1:19:43.30 85.99mph --
#21 1987 夏士林 (Ron Haslam) GBR elf/Honda 500 10 27:04.67 84.20mph --
#22 1988 史雲斯 (Kevin Schwartz) USA Suzuki RGV500 30* 1:21:01.44 84.42mph --
#23 1989 R. 鄧立普 (Robert Dunlop) GBR Honda VFR750(RC30) 8 22:15.97 81.91mph --
#24 1990 希斯立 (Steve Hislop) GBR Honda VFR750(RC30) 30* 1:19:47.36 85.74mph --
#25 1991 雷迪基斯 (D. de Radigues) BEL Suzuki RGV500 25 1:06:00.31 85.28mph 2:35.91
#26 1992 科格迪 (Carl Fogarty) GBR Harris/Yamaha 500 30* 1:18:23.47 87.25mph 2:33.94
#27 1993 希斯立 (Steve Hislop) GBR ROC/Yamaha 500 23* 1:00:20.190 139.87kmh 2:33.18
#28 1994 希斯立 (Steve Hislop) GBR Harris/Yamaha 500 20* 52:55.750 138.68kmh 2:35.31
#29 1995 愛華士 (Mike Edwards) GBR ROC/Yamaha 500 15 38:50.640 141.72kmh 2:33.734
#30 1996 麥卡倫 (Phillip McCallen) GBR Yamaha YZR500 15 38:58.369 -- 2:33.833
#31 1997 荷夫曼 (Andy Hoffman) DEU Kawasaki ZX-7R 15 36:06.810 140.61kmh 2:32.885
#32 1998 路達 (Michael Rutter) GBR Honda RVF750(RC45) 14 33:56.800 -- 2:30.540
#33 1999 謝菲斯 (David Jefferies) GBR Yamaha YZF-R1 12 30:57.359 142.34kmh 2:32.540
#34 2000 路達 (Michael Rutter) GBR Yamaha YZF-750 12 30:57.359 142.34kmh 2:32.540
#35 2001 麥堅尼斯 (John McGuinness) GBR Honda CBR900RR 12 30:57.359 142.34kmh 2:32.540
#36 2002 路達 (Michael Rutter) GBR Ducati 998 12 30:57.359 142.34kmh 2:32.540
#37 2003 路達 (Michael Rutter) GBR Ducati 998 12 30:57.359 142.34kmh 2:32.540
#38 2004 路達 (Michael Rutter) GBR Honda CBR1000RR 12 30:57.359 142.34kmh 2:32.540
#39 2005 路達 (Michael Rutter) GBR Honda CBR1000RR 12 30:57.359 142.34kmh 2:32.540
#40 2006 柏列達 (Steve Plater) GBR Yamaha YZF-R1 15 37:19.879 147.54kmh 2:27.753
#41 2007 柏列達 (Steve Plater) GBR Yamaha YZF-R1 12 30:57.359 142.34kmh 2:32.540
#42 2008 伊斯頓 (Stuart Easton) GBR Honda CBR1000RR 12 30:57.359 142.34kmh 2:32.540
#43 2009 伊斯頓 (Stuart Easton) GBR Honda CBR1000RR 15 36:50.910 142.34kmh 2:25.170
#44 2010 伊斯頓 (Stuart Easton) GBR Kawasaki ZX-10R 9 21:43.951 152.06kmh 2:23.616
#45 2011 路達 (Michael Rutter) GBR Ducati 1198R 10 24:32.817 149.59kmh 2:25.466
#46 2012 路達 (Michael Rutter) GBR Honda CBR1000RR 10 24:48.918 147.97kmh 2:27.301
#47 2013 赫徹臣 (Ian Hutchinson) GBR Yamaha YZF-R1 11 26:56.390 149.43kmh 2:25.419
#48 2014 伊斯頓 (Stuart Easton) GBR Kawasaki ZX-10R 12 29:45.143 148.10kmh 2:26.758
#49 2015 赫爾文 (Peter HIickman) GBR BMW S1000RS 12 29:22.021 152.01kmh 2:24.940
#50 2016 赫爾文 (Peter HIickman) GBR BMW S1000RS 12 29:15.590 150.50kmh 2:25.333

Guia Circuit=3.8 miles (6.117km) *=2 legs

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