2016年10月16日 星期日

Harley-Davidson HK Charity Ride 2016

Harley- Davidson於香港的首個慈善電單車環島遊,每位參加者將捐出不少於500元的善款予保良局.......



美國著名電單車品牌Harley-Davidson在公路上馳騁的形象深入民心。品牌的愛好者在不同地方亦經常舉辦慈善巡遊,今年秋天,Harley- Davidson舉辦香港的首個慈善電單車環島遊。一支由約 60 輛Harley-Davidson電單車組成的車隊,將浩浩蕩蕩地由保良局銅鑼灣總部出發,途經港島南區再折往西區新海旁,沿著海濱,一路由港島西駛至港島東,以赤柱廣場為終點。秉承品牌 在各地巡遊時的傳統,是次車隊出行亦以行善為本,每位參加者將捐出不少於500元的善款予保良局,希望在吸引途人目光的同時,提醒大家幫助身邊有需要的人 士。

於 慈善環島遊後,Harley-Davidson將於赤柱廣場舉行一個小型美式嘉年華,一口氣展出多款Harley-Davidson電單車,包括最新型號Sportster Roadster、Slim S、VROD及Street Glide等。場內更設有1比1實物原大的Toy Box,盛載著Harley-Davidson的特別版Forty Eight電單車及Harley x Gibson Guitar攝影區,讓大家能與Harley-Davidson名車及型格Gibson Guitars作近距離接觸並留影。活動內亦有美國殿堂級結他品牌Gibson Brands帶來的搖滾樂隊為現場炒熱氣氛,再加上個性樂壇新人張美儀傾力演出,欣賞名車同時享受音樂的動感節拍。

特別版為香港欖球總會Ruck ‘N’ Roll慈善舞會籌款
除 了在街頭的慈善巡遊外,Harley-Davidson更將他們的善舉帶到華麗的舞會當中。為響應香港欖球總會所舉辦的Ruck ‘N’ Roll慈善舞會,Harley-Davidson特地贊助一部特別版FORTY-EIGHT並由本地藝術家―Calvin Poon 親手上色,用作於舞會當晚拍賣,希望為舞會的受惠機構―保良局的多個慈善項目籌款。Calvin將以黑色為主調的車身化作畫版,以大膽個性化的筆觸親手繪 上塗鴉花紋,盡顯這部特別版FORTY-EIGHT的前衛風格和粗糙不完美感,亦將這部電單車變成一件藝術品。值得注意車身上有不同的隱藏字樣,帶出自 我、態度及團結齊心的訊息。如想先睹為快,請於 9 月 18 日到赤柱廣場,親身感受這部特別版FORTY-EIGHT 的創意及逼力。


Harley-Davidson® Charity Ride 2016
 internationally renowned American Brand Harley-Davidson has always aspired to create an impact within society and inspire the hearts of many. Today, Harley-Davidson of Hong Kong will hold its first Charity Ride. A group of 60 Harley-Davidson motorcyclists departed from Po Leung Kuk headquarters in Causeway Bay and rode through the Southern district of Hong Kong, through the Kennedy Town waterfront and along the seafront towards the Eastern district of Hong Kong, and finally, finished in Stanley Plaza. In the spirit of raising awareness and donations for those in need, each Harley rider will donate at least $500 towards the Po Leung Kuk Charity.
Harley-Davidson® Motorcycle Exhibition
To celebrate Harley-Davidson of Hong Kong’s first Charity Ride, a traditional American Festival will be held in Stanley Plaza. The festival will display a range of Harley-Davidson motorcycles such as the newly released Sportster Roadster, Slim S, VROD and Street Glide. The festival will also include a life size (1:1 ratio) toy box containing a special edition Harley Davidson Forty-Eight Motorcycle and a Harley x Gibson Guitar collaboration photo area. This will allow everyone a chance to take photos right next Harley-Davidson motorcycle, together with a range of iconic Gibson Guitars. Furthermore, the festival will not only include an unforgettable rock performance hosted by the famous American Guitar brand Gibson Brands but also a performance by the local Hong Kong rising artist Jaymie Cheung. Hence creating an unforgettable rock n’ roll music filled atmosphere – the perfect ambiance for a day of celebrating, admiring and enjoying Harley-Davidson motorcycles.

 Edition Harley-Davidson in celebration of the Hong Kong Rugby Football Club’s fundraising Rock ‘N’ roll Charity Ball

In addition to the Charity Ride, Harley Davidson will also sponsor and be involved in more formal events and celebrations. To celebrate the Hong Kong Rugby Union’s fundraising Rock ‘N’ roll Charity Ball, Harley-Davidson has sponsored a Calvin Poon custom designed, special edition Forty-Eight motorcycle to be auctioned off to the highest bidder at the Charity Ball. The donations received from the auction will go towards Po Leung Kuk’s charitable organizations that aim to help the disadvantaged of Hong Kong. The bold black color base of the bike body will be hand painted by the local artist Calvin Poon’s exquisite, daring brush strokes making this special edition Forty-Eight motorcycle a truly unique work of art. A striking feature of the graffiti painted on the vehicle body is a range of hidden phrases and expressions symbolizing the message of freedom of self-expression, solidarity and unity of kindness amongst the Hong Kong people. If you would like to preview this customized edition Forty-Eight, then save the date and head over to Stanley Plaza on Sept 18 2016.

Uniting Harley-Davidson® Riders for the Greater Good
 Loyal riders of Harley-Davidson are invited to participate in Harley-Davidson of Hong Kong’s first Charity ride on the 18th of September 2016. The charity ride will journey through many iconic attractions such as the Sun Yat Sen Memorial Park, International Financial Center (IFC), Hong Kong Ferris wheel, Statue Square and Tamar Park. The Charity Ride will be a group of 50 Harley-Davidson® Motorcyclists passing through the crowded and bustling streets of Hong Kong and attract the attention of the people of Hong Kong. Motorcyclists who would like to participate in the parade but do not own a Harley-Davidson motorcycle will not be disappointed, as Harley-Davidson of Hong Kong has prepared a range of trial Harley-Davidson motorcycle licenses! Just donate a minimum of $500 and you can borrow a Harley-Davidson® Motorcycle to get a taste of the Harley experience and also help raise awareness for those in need across Hong Kong.

To respond to your true calling as a Harley enthusiast, apply for an opportunity to borrow a Harley and ride amongst other Harley riders by contacting us at rsvp@harleydavidson.hk. Be sure to clearly indicate your interest in the enrolment of the Harley-Davidson Charity Ride in your registration. The Charity Ride aims to raise money towards the Po Leung Kuk Charity, UBS, and Hong Kong Rugby Union’s language training program. The Hong Kong Rugby Union language training program aims to fund and provide English and Mandarin education, teachers and text books for children from Po Leung Kuk Charity who range from the ages of 2 to 18.

About Harley-Davidson
Since 1903, Harley-Davidson has been committed to fulfill the dreams of motorcycle enthusiasts, encouraging the pursuit of freedom and the expression of individuality. Alongside not only aiming to creating motorcycles that enhance the driving experience but also creating a range of motorcycles such as Street bikes, Touring bikes, customized bikes, complete sets of motorcycle parts, accessories, clothing and other products.